According to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a public entity that has a minimum of 50 employees is required to designate an individual to oversee their compliance of the ADA.
Read the City of Austin's Americans with Disabilities Act Public Notice or file a request for ADA accommodations.
The Benefits Division administers benefits for active and retired employees, dependents and survivors of employees.
The Civil Service Office administers processes regarding the initial selection, advancement, and conditions of employment in accordance with Chapter 143 of the Texas Local Government Code, Civil Service Commission Rules, and agreements with employee associations (labor associations).
The City of Austin’s compensation philosophy supports the business goals of the organization. The pay system has a flexible design necessary to meet changing conditions.
The Diversity and Veteran Initiatives Division of the City of Austin Human Resources department develops and implements a comprehensive, integrated, and strategic focus on diversity and inclusion as a key component of all human resources recruitment, Diversity and Veteran programs, and other community engagement activities.
The Labor Relations Office is responsible for public safety labor negotiations, compliance with the Public Safety Labor Agreement, department training related to public safety labor agreements, the City of Austin’s Ombud's Municipal Civil Service Alternative Dispute Resolution Process, and records documentation.
In November 2012, Austin voters approved Proposition 10 to establish for the first time a Municipal Civil Service system for most City employees that are not covered by state Civil Service law.
The Organization Development Division improves organizational performance by providing outstanding professionalism and customer service, ongoing needs assessment and skill development training, internal consulting and managing a cost-effective Learning and Research Center.
The Quality Assurance Division strives to assist human resource professionals working for the City of Austin in maintaining a desired level of quality and consistency in the delivery of human resources services.
The Records Division manages and maintains summary employment history for all City of Austin employees known as Service Records.