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Service Online Phone Contact

Board/Commission membership application

If you are interested in serving on a board or commission, you may apply online. All applications are retained for one year.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

Share your ideas online about improving Austin

Bring your valued voice to the table about a number of topics and initiatives. Visit SpeakUp Austin! to share your ideas and feedback.

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Register as a vendor for the City

You can register to become a vendor for the City on the Austin Finance Online website.

512-974-2018 Finance

Boards and Commissions training

Register online for board and commission member training, which will prepare you to carry out the duties of your position as a board member or liaison.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

City social media accounts

Find the most popular social networks for City departments, services, and initiatives in one spot. 

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Current Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

The Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports  for the City of Austin are available. The archives are of prior reports.

Please note: The electronic report is identical to the printed version of the document. The report has not been updated for developments subsequent to the date of the independent auditor's report.

5129742600 Finance

Active solicitations

View a list of active solicitations.

512-974-2500 Finance

File a Public Information Request

The Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code, Chapter 552), gives you the right to access government records. Request City records here.

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

City Code and Charter

The Austin City Code and City Charter are available online through the Municode website.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

Request a speaker from DSD Code Compliance

If you would like to have a Code inspector or speaker attend your neighborhood association meeting or community event, please complete our online form at least one week prior to the event.

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Pay online

Get quick access to a number of departments and services that you can pay online

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Vendor assistance

Do you have questions about becoming a City vendor? Visit Austin Finance Online's Vendor Help page to access additional information and receive help.

512-974-2500 Finance

City of Austin social media archive

3-1-1 Communications

Foodborne Illness Complaints

APH’s public-facing complaint system is an online survey that allows you to file a foodborne illness report when events surrounding your illness are fresh on your mind. When you think that something you ate made you sick (and possibly others), fill out the questions completely to capture as much information as possible to send to your local health department. APH epidemiologists will examine your report, investigate if needed, and capture real-time information about what is going on in your community.

3-1-1 Health

Technical criteria manuals

The City of Austin's technical criteria manuals are available online through the Municode website.

3-1-1 City Clerk

Smoking violations

Smoking in public places is prohibited in Austin.  To report violations, call 3-1-1 or complete the Smoking in Public Places Online Complaint Form.  Reports can be made anonymously.

3-1-1 Health

Email all Austin City Council members

Email all Austin City Council members from a single online form here.

3-1-1 Austin 3-1-1

Public records search

Use this resource to access public records found in the Office of the City Clerk including council-approved records, municipal election documents, and municipal utility district documents.

512-974-2210 City Clerk

Restaurant inspection scores

Food establishments in Austin are inspected twice a year to evaluate proper food handling to ensure food safety. Inspection scores are posted online for public review.

512-972-5000 Health

Citizen feedback

Send your opinion about the Downtown Austin Community Court directly to us by completing this online Citizen Feedback form.

512-974-4879 Community Court