Looking to add a new pet to your family? Austin Animal Center has more than 500 animals every day in need of loving homes.
Plan your trip to Barton Springs Pool, a three-acre swimming pool fed by underground springs in Zilker Metropolitan Park.
Join our team! Here’s everything you need to apply for a job with the City of Austin.
File a police report to report offenses and non-emergency crimes – crimes that are no longer in progress and present no immediate threat to anyone.
The City of Austin's Office of Vital Records registers births and deaths that occur within the full purpose city limits of Austin. Here is everything you need to get a birth or death certificate at the Office of Vital Records.
If you received a citation for a parking violation, you can look up the case details, pay associated fines, fees and court costs or request a court hearing online.
Search for persons in the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) public sex offender database using geographical information or names.
We rely on foster families to provide love and care to our most at-risk dogs and cats. Fostering is truly lifesaving! Here is everything you need to start a foster application.
Submit or check the status of an Austin 3-1-1 service request online or over the phone.
Search for an active warrant in the Austin Police Department Warrant List.
If you get a citation for a traffic or criminal violation filed with the City of Austin Municipal Court, you can look up the case details, pay fines, fees and costs, request a deferral, a hearing or a dismissal.
View crime statistics using CrimeViewer, a web mapping application that accesses crime information from the Austin Police Department (APD) police reports database.
Search the APD Incident Report database for public police reports.
See current power outages and report new power outages with the Austin Energy Outage Map.
Your utility bill includes charges for your City of Austin utility services, which may include electricity, water, wastewater, solid waste, drainage, and street service.
The City of Austin helps homeowners ensure compliance with applicable City and building codes when they build, demolish, remodel, or perform any construction in the City of Austin and when planning special events.
Purchase online crash reports for the Austin Police Department jurisdiction with LexisNexis® Police Reports.
Austin’s Parks and Recreation Department offers many activities, from summer camps and swimming lessons to ceramics and dance. Here’s how to sign up!
Apply to ride along with an APD officer in the Police Observer (Ride Along) program.
Register your bicycle with APD. Once registered, it will remain in the system until you let us know it has been disposed of.
An MBE/WBE certification increases opportunities for socially disadvantaged individuals wanting to do business with the City of Austin.
Your library card lets you check out books and other materials at any of Austin Public Library’s locations and the Digital Library.
A chauffeur permit allows a person to drive a vehicle-for-hire, like a taxi cab or a shuttle bus. Learn how to apply for and renew a chauffeur permit in Austin.
Help law enforcement agencies in the fight against crime in Austin and Travis County by submitting an anonymous crime tip.
Office of Special Events permits reservations at day use picnic areas, facilities, campsites, and commercial filming or photography.
The Recycle and Reuse Drop-off Center accepts items to be recycled, reused, or safely discarded. Make an appointment to drop off or pick up items.
View active traffic related incidents reported to Austin police, Aviation police, and the Travis County Sheriff's office.
Operating authority licenses cover all vehicle-for-hire services. A vehicle for hire is a vehicle providing private transport or shared transport for a fee, in which passengers are generally free to choose where they start and where they are going (not including rideshares). Learn how to apply for, renew, or update an operating authority license.
Verify the employment of a current or former City of Austin employee by email, fax, or phone.
Ground transportation includes all vehicle-for-hire services such as taxi, pedicab, shuttle service, limousine service, charter service, electric low-speed vehicles, group cycle, horse-drawn carriage, and touring/sightseeing companies. You can report an issue online or by email.
Bring your valued voice to the table about a number of topics and initiatives. Participate in City government online or in person, and find ways to give your input!
Help provide toys and food for Austin families in need during the holiday season. There are lots of ways to volunteer with the Austin Police Department's Operation Blue Santa.
A permit is required for any short-term concessions sold on City parkland.
The City of Austin regulates booting within City limits. Apply for a vehicle immobilization service license to allow your company to boot vehicles that violate parking regulations.
Community Court offers community service programs for offenders. Find examples of projects and how to join here.
Do you have a drainage easement on your property that you would like released? Contact the Watershed Protection Department with a request for information before submitting an application. It may save you money.
Learn how to become a Board or Commission member, what the role requires, and what training you will need to be successful.
Get help if you lost your keys, cell phone or other items down a storm drain.
You have the right to access all government records for any reason, except where certain rules apply. You can request public records online, by email, by mail, or in person. Learn more about the public information request process and how to submit your request.
Is your Austin property in a floodplain? Find out using FloodPro, an online tool that shows floodplain maps, storm drain systems and floodplain models and elevation certificates.
Help reduce the impact of flooding, erosion, and water pollution. Report problems in creeks, streams, and drains that are blocking the flow of water.
Search water quality protection publications from 1974 to the present.
Is your home or business at risk for flooding? Get information and help from the Watershed Protection department.
Report a spill or pollution entering Austin's storm drains or waterways to 3-1-1. Field investigators respond to your reports 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
A permit is required for regular, instructor-led fitness classes held on City parkland.
The Citizen Feedback form lets you share any comments or concerns directly with Community Court.
We invite community members and arts professionals to join our roster of potential panelists, who will review, score, and determine which applicants receive funding through various programs. Submitting this form does not guarantee participation.
Have an accessibility concern or complaint about a City service, program, or facility? You can file it with the Office of Civil Rights.
In compliance with State Local Government Code Chapter 176, vendors and local government officers doing business with the City of Austin must file required forms with the City Clerk's office when a relevant conflict exists.
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a continuous system for controlling pests such as weeds, diseases, insects, and others. Pest management options are based on effectiveness, environmental impact, site characteristics, worker/public health and safety, and economics. IPM takes advantage of all appropriate pest management options.
Do you need accommodations to participate in programs, services, or activities offered by the City of Austin? You can request them directly from the City department or from the Office of Civil Rights.
Businesses applying for a liquor license/beer permit from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) must get the City Clerk's signature on their TABC form after completing the permitting process.
The public can participate in an Austin City Council meeting in two ways: through general public communication or by speaking on specific agenda items.
Requests for a street name change can be made by a City Council member or a property owner with property on the street. Learn more about the process of changing a street name.
Austin Public Health offers free or low-cost vaccines for children and adults who qualify. Learn how to get vaccines for you and your family.
The Economic Development Department’s Cultural Arts Funding Program supports cultural arts programs for the Austin community by contracting with arts organizations for specific services. Apply for our latest grant opportunities.
You can search public records held by the Office of the City Clerk. These include council-approved records, municipal election documents, and municipal utility district documents.
Did you recently swerve to avoid a pothole? Have you noticed a street or sidewalk in need of maintenance? You can contact Austin 3-1-1 online, with the app, or by phone to request repairs.
You can request a traffic or pedestrian signal in Austin by contacting Austin 3-1-1 online, with the app, or by phone. Learn more about the request requirements and how requests are evaluated.
Every year, City departments report unclaimed cash and valuables - uncashed checks, deposits, refunds, overpayments, or any other transactions creating a credit balance. If the City of Austin is holding property belonging to you, we want to help you get your property back.
Through the support of Austin Public Health, free diabetes prevention and management classes are offered in multiple locations, including virtually, for Austin/Travis County residents.
Code violations such as tall weeds/grass, trash, or debris, may contribute to a rodent problem. Report rats and other rodent issues to Austin 3-1-1.
All public and semi-public aquatic facilities must meet safety guidelines before use. Here, you'll find out what needs to be done to pass a safety inspection and get a permit to operate.
You can file complaints about insurance issues, noisy animals, traffic violations, City code violations, or any other Class C Misdemeanor offense with the Municipal Court.
Smoking in public places is not allowed in Austin. To report violations, call 3-1-1 or complete the online complaint form. Reports can be made anonymously.
The City of Austin recognizes the people, programs, and events that make Austin unique by issuing proclamations and other recognitions. Learn how to request a proclamation.
The City of Austin's Neighborhood Centers help families in need with free services like food help, job search help, health screenings, bus passes, and more.
You can report a code violation in Austin to Austin 3-1-1 by phone, through the app, or online. You can always report anonymously.
The difference between art and graffiti is permission. You can report illegal graffiti or tagging in progress online, with the Austin 3-1-1 mobile app, or by calling 3-1-1.
Learn how to apply for and renew a short-term rental (STR) license in Austin.
Learn how to register as a vendor, learn about the solicitation process, how to use National Institute for Governmental Purchasing (NIGP) commodity codes, and sign up for the Vendor Academy.
If you think that something you ate at an Austin/Travis County restaurant made you sick, fill out our online survey. Austin Public Health staff will examine your report and investigate if needed.
Austin Public Health offers health screening services so you can get tested for conditions like tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, and HIV/AIDS.
Use the My Schedule tool to get a personalized collection calendar for all Austin residential curbside services. You can also sign up for reminders.
The Development Services Department's Building and Trade Contractor Services (BTCS) provides building and trade permit-related services to general contractors, licensed trade contractors, and homeowners.
Austin Fire Department and the Fire Marshall issue several permits related to public assemblies, hazardous materials, and more.
Private haulers in the City of Austin must get a license to collect, remove, or transport waste, recycling, and/or organic compost. Learn how to apply for a private hauler license.
The Austin Fire Department must approve the installation of any stationary liquified petroleum gas container, above or below ground.
The Expedited Building Plan Review program speeds up the building plan review and permit process by holding a single review session with a full team of experienced plan reviewers and the applicant’s design team. Find out if you qualify for expedited review and learn how to request a meeting.
The City of Austin requires an alarm permit for each alarm system activated in a residence or commercial space within the Austin Police Department’s jurisdiction. We must receive an application before the alarm system is enabled. Learn how to submit your application.
Users can search for code complaints in Austin by address, case number, or region through the Citizen Connect tool.
Solicitantes del Permiso de Bebidas Alcohólicas de parte de la Ciudad de Austin deben seguir los siguientes pasos.
See answers to frequently asked questions that property owners or residents may have about how to petition the City of Austin under Senate Bill 2038 (SB 2038) to request that their property be released from the City's extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).